
Thursday, 9 July 2015

Using RMAN Incremental Backups to Refresh a Standby Database

RMAN enables you to synchronize a standby database with a primary database by creating an incremental backup at the source database that contains all changed blocks since the duplicate was created or last refreshed. You then apply the incremental backup to the standby database, which updates it with all changes.

RMAN uses the selected SCN as the basis for this incremental backup. For all files being backed up, RMAN includes all data blocks that were changed at SCNs greater than or equal to the FROM SCN in the incremental backup.

This example shows the steps required to update a standby database using incremental backups.

1. Create the Incremental Backup

Create the needed incremental backup at the source database(Primary), using BACKUP with the INCREMENTAL FROM SCN clause.

Check the current_scn of standby database to get the SCN.

SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


[oracle@ora-test13-d1 TEST13]$ rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jul 7 23:09:47 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: TEST13 (DBID=2603591950)

RMAN> run{
sql "alter session set optimizer_mode=RULE";
allocate channel DISK1 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK2 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK3 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK4 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK5 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK6 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK7 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK8 device type disk;
     FORMAT '/oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_%U';

RMAN> run{
2> sql "alter session set optimizer_mode=RULE";
3> allocate channel DISK1 device type disk;
4> allocate channel DISK2 device type disk;
5> allocate channel DISK3 device type disk;
6> allocate channel DISK4 device type disk;
7> allocate channel DISK5 device type disk;
allocate channel DISK6 device type disk;
8> 9> allocate channel DISK7 device type disk;
10> allocate channel DISK8 device type disk;
12>      FORMAT '/oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_%U';
13> }

sql statement: alter session set optimizer_mode=RULE

allocated channel: DISK1
channel DISK1: sid=66 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK2
channel DISK2: sid=6 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK3
channel DISK3: sid=50 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK4
channel DISK4: sid=16 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK5
channel DISK5: sid=116 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK6
channel DISK6: sid=65 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK7
channel DISK7: sid=42 devtype=DISK

allocated channel: DISK8
channel DISK8: sid=62 devtype=DISK

Starting backup at 07-JUL-15
channel DISK1: starting full datafile backupset
channel DISK1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00018 name=/oracle/oradata/TEST13/tstuser12.dbf
input datafile fno=00024 name=/oracle/oradata/TEST13/tstuser16.dbf
input datafile fno=00025 name=/oracle/oradata/TEST13/tstuser17.dbf
input datafile fno=00036 name=/oracle/oradata/TEST13/tstuser29.dbf

channel DISK5: finished piece 1 at 08-JUL-15
piece handle=/oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2cqbg01g_1_1 tag=TAG20150707T231141 comment=NONE
channel DISK5: backup set complete, elapsed time: 01:48:39
channel DISK4: finished piece 1 at 08-JUL-15
piece handle=/oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2bqbg01g_1_1 tag=TAG20150707T231141 comment=NONE
channel DISK4: backup set complete, elapsed time: 01:54:05
Finished backup at 08-JUL-15
released channel: DISK1
released channel: DISK2
released channel: DISK3
released channel: DISK4
released channel: DISK5
released channel: DISK6
released channel: DISK7
released channel: DISK8


2.Make the Incremental Backup Accessible at the Standby Database

Make the backup pieces containing the incremental backup available in some directory accessible on the system containing the standby database.

3.Catalog the Incremental Backup Files at the Standby Database

Use the RMAN CATALOG command to register the backup sets in the RMAN repository at the standby. With an RMAN client connected to the standby database and the recovery catalog (if you are using catalog db), mount the standby and run the following command:

RMAN> CATALOG START WITH '/oracle/backup/RMAN/';

RMAN> catalog start with '/oracle/backup/RMAN/';

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
searching for all files that match the pattern /oracle/backup/RMAN/

List of Files Unknown to the Database
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2eqbg01h_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_28qbg01f_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2fqbg01h_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_29qbg01f_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2bqbg01g_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2dqbg01g_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2aqbg01f_1_1
File Name: /oracle/backup/RMAN/TEST13_INCREMENTAL_2cqbg01g_1_1
Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)? yes
cataloging files...

4.Apply the Incremental Backup to the Standby Database

Use the RMAN RECOVER command with the NOREDO option to apply the incremental backup to the standby database. All changed blocks captured in the incremental backup are updated at the standby database, bringing it up to date with the primary database. With an RMAN client connected to the standby database, run the following command:


-bash-4.1$ rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jul 8 01:46:40 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: TEST13 (DBID=2603591950, not open)


Starting recover at 08-JUL-15
Starting implicit crosscheck backup at 08-JUL-15
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=153 devtype=DISK

You can now resume managed recovery at the standby. Any redo logs required at the standby with changes since those contained in the incremental are automatically requested from the primary and applied.